
phone 09 262 0088



Availability Emails

Every Monday morning we send out a very short email with an update on availability.

If you would like to receive this email, please subscribe below.

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Expedio and Real Estate Agents

Expedio does not have a sales force - we prefer to work with industrial agents who understand our properties, and the needs of our clients.

No Physical Signs

Please note Expedio policy: NO SIGNS on our buildings without prior permission.

Digital Marketing: Please ensure you obtain our permission before listing one of our properties on Trade Me, or any other digital marketing (Web or Email)

Client Registration

All potential tenants and buyers need to be registered with Expedio. This should be done via email before any property viewings are arranged.

Client Qualification

Potential tenants and buyers should be qualified before being registered. At a minimum, we will need to know:

  • What type of business are they?
  • Where are they currently located?
  • How much space do they currently have?
  • What attributes are they looking for in a new location?
  • Lease or Buy?
  • When does their current lease expire?