Changed times call for changed mindset

May 24, 2023

Aspects of the industrial real estate marketplace have changed dramatically over the past six months - while other aspects have remained constant. Vacancy rates are still  exceptionally low, but yields have crept up. There are still transactions taking place - but decision making is taking much longer. In part this is due to the major banks' tardiness, but more so due to media hype putting doubt into buyers' minds. Whereas 12 months ago buyers were rushing into deals with a fear of missing out, now the fear is of paying too much. From one extreme to the other.

From our perspective the policy of predominantly offering general agencies has been effective over the last few years, But a changed landscape and changed buyer attitudes call for a change from our side, and increasingly we are moving toward sole agencies and campaigns. There are still deals being done, but they are taking longer, and require more work from agents to shepherd them to a conclusion. In recognition of this it makes sense to give agents the certainty of a sole agency when investing the time and effort in potential clients.

Contact us if you have interest in taking on the responsibility of a sole agency and campaign. 

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